Wall-E Setup Help

In depth help!

Step One

Click this link to start adding the bot to your server

Step Two

Select your server from the dropdown menu and Click "Authorize"

Step Three

The bot is now in your server and awaiting a role.

Go to you server in the Discord App

Step Four

Top left, Click the Server name to show the menu and select "Server Settings"

Step Five

Click "Roles"

Step Six

Hit (+) to add a new Role.

Call the Role Wall-E or something useful.

Optionally assign a color.

Optionally enable "Display role members separately from online members"

Step Seven

For the channel you wish Wall-E to send to, open the edit dialog for that channel.

Step Eight

Under permissions, hit the (+) icon and add the role you created in step six.

Step Nine

For the role, enable (Green Tick) the following permissions

  • Send Messages
  • Attach Files

For the role, optionally enable

  • Embed Links
  • Mention Everyone

Step Ten

Type -userthischannel in the channel, you setup in Step Seven, to tell Wall-E which channel to talk in