Welcome to Wall-E

Wall-e is "The Alioth Council Announcements Bot"

Authorised personal can submit a News/Announcement bulletin and have it broadcast to all connection and authorised servers.

You can add the bot to your server, and setup the destination channel, but it will need to be authorised by another Alioth Council Member, in order to be a reciever.

Get Setup

  1. Add the Bot to My Server
  2. Run -usethischannelin the channel you want the announcements to appear in, which you can change at any time. Only people with the Manage Channelspermission can set/change the channel
  3. Request recieve and/or broadcast rights from another Alioth Council Member
  4. The bot will require the Attach Files and Send Messages permissions. The former to send pretty messages, the latter to send any messages at all.

Need more help with Role Setup?


  1. How do I add the bot to my server?
    - Click the add Link above
  2. How do I remove the bot from my server?
    - Kick the bot
  3. How do I get authorised to send or recieve broadcasts
    - Consult Alioth Council, via the Alioth Council Discord Server.
  4. Whom built the bot
    Barry Carlyon. He is a Infrastructure and Dev Ops specialist, currently primarily working in E-Commerce back end stock control/management and various work for Twitch Streamers. (And all the related security concerns). He usually flies with Alliance Office of Statistics

Privacy and other notes

  • The bot will listen to all chat written in servers and channels it is present in. It does not log chat.
  • The bot does not look at people whom it can see in servers and channels it is present in
  • The bot literally only exists to broadcast messages from Alioth Council to the selected channel in the servers it is present in
  • The bot does not collect anything beyond the Discord ID's of the servers it is in, and the Discord ID of the selected broadcast channel, on those servers.
  • The bot ignores all chat sent in all channels it is in, unless the message begins with a hyphen. Which is the bots "command trigger"
  • The Bot Author (BarryCarlyon) reserves the right, to tweak Debug logging and other thing during times of bot adjustments. Alioth Council will be made aware at times of this occuring. And logs will be purged periodically.